Kyle Wartella - Lead Pastor

Kyle is a creative and effective speaker who holds a Master’s degree in Intercultural Ministries from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. Overcoming many obstacles in his life, he has a strong passion to see others find a relationship with Jesus. Kyle and his wife, Kristen, have five children; Bryce, Ruby, Sadie, Drake, and Cade. If he is not coaching baseball, Kyle can be found on the sidelines of one of his children’s sporting events.


Kelsey Kiel - Office Administration and Grace Gardens

Kelsey grew up in Parchment, graduating from the school district and meeting her now husband, Brett. They have two children, Tessie and Tate, that constantly keep them on their toes. Previously a stay-at-home mama, she’s excited to jump back into the work place and join the team! With a love for seeing others grow and thrive, she is a perfect addition to Spring Valley!


Kristen Wartella - Children’s Ministry

Kristen is a wife to Pastor Kyle and a mom of five, Bryce, Ruby, Sadie, Drake, and Cade. She previously worked in elementary education and now homeschools. Faith was important to Kristen throughout her childhood and is passionate about sharing Jesus with those around her. Kristen has a love for sports, reading and cooking. Her happy places are at the ball field watching her kids play or the beach.


Kaitlyn Brown - Creative & Small Groups

Kaitlyn is a wife to her high school sweetheart, Michael. She moved to Kalamazoo in 2016 to attend Western Michigan University. Kaitlyn volunteers at Rock Lake Christian Assembly every July and from that, discovered her love to serve others and their growth in faith. You can find Kaitlyn at home with her cat, Millie and dog, Ruthie, or hanging out with the Youth Group on Sunday night!


Kelen Caswell - Youth Ministries & Worship

Kelen graduated from Liberty University in 2015 with bachelor's degrees in religion and Christian counseling. Before he came to Spring Valley, Kelen served as Director of Development at a private Christain school where he developed a passion for serving the church and raising up leaders for Christ. He enjoys playing basketball and board games and spending time with his wife and daughters. 


Jennifer Zoulek - Community Life